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Newsletters > NIHE News March 7, 2023
NIHE News March 7, 2023

Mar 7, 2023

NIHE News March 7, 2023 See below for $25 off BLS done same day ACLS, PALS, or NRP

or get $40 off any ACLS course

NIHE Training Site and Development Conferences

Learn How to Start, Run, & Grow an AHA Training Site

Linnea Stonebraker is the founder and Training Center Coordinator of one of the most successful, national AHA Training Centers in the country. Come learn from the best about how to start and grow your own AHA Training Site while following all AHA rules and policies. She is a dynamic speaker and you will have a lot of fun learning from the best.

Live Training Site Conferences are back! We had three exciting conferences in Hawaii, Florida and Texas in January and February 2023. Watch for announcement of upcoming Training Site Conferences across the United States. Let us know if you want one in your are by emailing us at nihe@earthlink.net

We are also holding these conferences via ZOOM. Currently the ZOOM conferences are lasting 1-3 hours. Each conference will feature unique presentations as well as basic information and questions will be answered from participants. Participants can also, book a private appointment with Linnea Stonebraker after the conference if needed at www.NationalHeartEd.com/scheduler.html

ZOOM Training Center Development Conferences are scheduled the following dates from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Pacific Standard Time. To see the full schedule and register go to: https://www.trainingcentertechnologies.com/NIHE/CourseEnrollment.aspx?strSort=VTSC

4/11/2023, 5/9/2023, 6/13/2023, 7/18/2023, 8/15/2023

9/12/2023, 10/17/2023, 11/16/2023, 12/14/2023

If you can’t attend one of our conferences but want more information on starting your own business teaching CPR and other AHA courses check out the latest edition of “How to Start, Run, and Grow a Safety Training Center Business” at: https://www.amazon.com/Start-Safety-Training-Center-Business-ebook/dp/B09NQM5TJW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=34ZOYGGOOR92L&keywords=linnea+stonebraker&qid=1674519694&sprefix=linnea+stonebra%2Caps%2C306&sr=8-1

Or if you want more information give us a call at 800-773-8895.

If you want to become an AHA Instructor check out how to do that at: https://www.nationalhearted.com/ahainstructor.html

If you are already an AHA Instructor and want to become your own AHA Training Site check out: http://www.nihe.shoppingcartsplus.com/training-site-app.html

Hope for the Journey---Remember God is in control. No matter what is happening in your life He cares for you. One of my favorite verses is: Ps. 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I learned a long time ago that sometimes what I want isn’t in my long-term best interests. So now I ask my Creator to change my desires to match His and then give me His best dreams and goals. You can’t go wrong inviting God to give you His best. This is a prayer He always answers.

If you need prayer for anything please drop us an email at nihe@earthlink.net and I will add your request to my daily prayer list. May God richly bless all of you today!

Linnea Stonebraker -NIHE Program Director

Get $30 off BLS done on the same day as your ACLS, PALS, or NRP. To get discount for BLS Add on course before Jan. 26, 2023 midnight on www.NationalHeartEd.com and use the discount code: BA25

Get $40 off ACLS. To get discount for ACLS register online at www.NationalHeartEd.com and use discount code: ACLS40



*The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge & proficiency in BLS, ACLS, & PALS & has developed instructional materials for this purpose.  Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association.  Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course material, do not represent income to the Association.